Can you guess what I did today?

Yes that is my wedding dress? And this isn’t the end of it’s life yet šŸ™‚ I’m planning on making a cool party top and a wall art installation out of it!

Stay tune for the project updates and the TTD session photos šŸ™‚

What have you all done to renew the life of your wedding dress?

6 Responses

  1. Omg I love it! This gets me excited! I can’t wait to see pix!!!

  2. How cool! Tye Dye or food coloring?

  3. tempera poster paint šŸ™‚

  4. I love it! We had sooo much fun. I should have pics on the blog by tomorrow. Thanks for helping make art!

  5. I hope you are going in service and going to the meetings. ‘d’

  6. Yep! šŸ™‚ Service 4-5 days a week and all the meetings šŸ˜‰

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