I’m ready to come clean…

Seeing as how I just got my first negative comment (yes it got to me) concerning my recent lack of inspiring posts I want to come clean on the several reasons why I’ve been so quiet on personal stuff…


{inspired by the lovely title banners on I Love You Much}

How so?

1. The obvious reason being that the wedding is in 16 days! Yes SIXTEEN! And there still is a buttload to do so I’m a little frazzled and trying to hunker down on crunch time.

2. Finals consumed my life for a couple of weeks. As my last batch of finals ever I had a few mind bottling projects that needed to leave a major wow factor. So I was freaked out and trying to kick some college booty.

4. I haven’t been working all month so finances are getting “tight” and that of course gets me down 😦

3. This one is going to reveal that BIG NEWS I keep referencing…


Or trying to at least… and are dealing with all the stresses there in… And let me tell you it’s be stressful… I kept hoping to tell you all and show you pics and my plans as soon as we closed… That was suppose to happen on April 30th. 13 days later and still no closure, hopefully by Friday but that’s been said every Friday. All I can say is Mortgage People SUCK! And our particular lady is a humongo MORON who doesn’t know how to file a single thing! (Expect a scathing review once this is all said and done)

4. This was possibly the biggest stress of all: Last Thursday Luke lost his job O_O

Can you talk about perfect timing? You know it’s not like our wedding was right around the corner and we were anticipating the signing of closing paper on a house and the writing of that big ole down payment check. I am proud to say I did not cry πŸ™‚

And I’m only telling you this now because Luke started his new job today. Yes, my amazing honey had the incredible fortune to only be unemployed for 3 whole days! And his new job is fantastic! Way better pay, great schedule (he’s home by mid-afternoon), 45 hours a week equals overtime pay πŸ™‚ So guess what? I don’t have to stress about finding a job. Don’t get me wrong, I WANT to work… I didn’t go to school for nothing… but I don’t HAVE to work. My working is fully by choice and that income will be 100% for rainy day funds! I LOVE having rainy day funds! Especially when we have that ever wonderful home remodeling project staring us in the face. And can I say having some time to work on the house before going to work is a major stress relief.

So thanks for being patient with me folks while I get through these coming few weeks. And I promise you I have some big and exciting plans for this blog in store for you all. Plus of course I have craft updates backlogged from like February and the ever wonderful wedding recaps. So I love you all and I hope you can help see me through to this wedding and send your happy thoughts my way.


Thanks All!

6 Responses

  1. Ahh, stressful but SO fun! My fiance and I just bought our first house a couple months ago and closing was a huuuge pain. But it’s so worth it in the end! πŸ™‚ And congrats to your FI on his new job! That’s GREAT news!! Enjoy the last couple weeks of your engagement – I’m at the 30 day mark and I’m scared it’s going to fly by!

  2. It really does fly by! And thanks for the positive feedback πŸ˜€ This whole house thing has me so frustrated and I’m trying to back off. I’m trying leaving that stress to the FH and I’m trying to just focus on the wedding…

  3. I’ve tried to do the same thing. I’ve got enough on my plate with school, graduation, moving, and the wedding – All of the house projects and stress is his! πŸ™‚ *PS – I tweeted to you, but I’m not sure if you follow me and my Twitter is private (les852), but I just realized I used LOTS of exclamation points in my first comment!*

  4. Whew! So glad your fiance got a new job so quickly! πŸ™‚ And who would say something negative about you? What a Debbie Downer!!! Can’t believe you’ve got 16 days!!! Hang in there!!

  5. Thanks! πŸ™‚ That really cheered me up!

  6. You cannot believe the strings that Gary pulled to get Luke hired on as fast as he did. He was like an expectant father… albeit a stepfather! πŸ™‚ He was bound and determined that Luke would have a job in a week’s time… and he made it happen! Yay!

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