Turning Inspiration into Action

So you all have heard how much I love Made by Julene paper cuts


and I contemplated actually making one…then my oh so brilliant father jumped in and was like “We own a plotter, you know.”

Do know what that means? All I had to do was design one in Illustrator or Corel and send it to the plotter to be cut out in vinyl and then mounted on a nice matte… whoop! whoop!

So I procrastinated forever but today I finally took the time (that should have honestly been spent on a higher priority item O_O) and made this…

So what do you all think? 🙂

7 Responses

  1. Ooooo I really like this… Super pretty! You’ve really got mad designing skillz!

  2. YOU made this?! O my god thats so cool. I’ve seen amazing table numbers done with these. They put them in a cheap clear frame (the kind that stands up by itself) and it looked amaaaazing.

  3. wow- that’s awesome! what exactly is a plotter and how much does it cost? I want one, if you can do that with it. 🙂

  4. so when does the shop open? this is so neat! Wish i could imagine things like this 🙂

  5. wow, that’s awesome! you are so talented!

  6. My dad is a sign guy and has a plotter. I want to do this, but have no talent. What can I pay you to make one for me! I lovvvvvve it!

  7. this is great!! I really love all the detail you put into it! it must have been a lot of time and effort!

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